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What’s an education worth?

With public schools sticking to a grade based curriculum, many parents of gifted children are forced to educate their children twice. Once to meet the demands of compulsory education and again (on their own dime) to meet the academic needs of their children.

some of the most advanced learners are enrolled by their parents in private after school tutoring, a talent search program such as that provided by through Johns Hopkins University, or a distance-learning program where they are working on advanced material that is not typically taught in their current grade level.

The parent that can’t afford to do this depends on the efforts of already overworked teachers or their own creativity.

The Job Market for Gifted Children

Many gifted people feel like outsiders. That’s because they, indeed, do think more rigorously than average people do.Brilliant people find themselves driven to explore things deeply, often to the exclusion of “normal” things in life, for example, a clean house, family time, watching TV, going to parties. Embrace your intensity. Don’t let people denigrate it as workaholic or “out of balance.” The more accurate word is productive.
This quote is taken from the advice blog of  Marty Nemko a career coach specializing in gifted adults. The challenge of a gifted education is not only academically challenging a child, but also providing them with the emotional tools they need to be successful as an adult. Without proper education for these children, we are preparing them for a very difficult life as an adult.
Read his  career coaching advice for gifted adults here

Bright and Black? Good Luck

It’s hard enough finding quality education for a gifted youth, but what do you do if they are gifted and black?

Of course, if minority students are systematically denied the benefits of such programs—a more sophisticated curriculum, motivated peers and, in some cases, specially trained teachers—gifted education serves to increase the gap between them and kids who are already proficient and enjoy access to resources.


From the Scientific American’s article:  “Where are the Gifted Minorities?”