The Kids America Leaves Behind

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My name is Jenn. I am the mother of four wonderful children, two of them school-aged. I’ve put this site together as a way of bringing together awareness about an issue that has always been dear to my heart- the state of education in America.

Sure, I know this is not a new discussion. Our schools are failing our children. If you are not able to afford private school, you could homeschool. If you are not able to homeschool or afford private education you could try being a very involved parent. Either way, most American parents already realize that our public schools are not going to meet the needs of our children without our help.

This is true for most every child- but what about those that do not fit the typical. What about the gifted and profoundly gifted. Where do they go?

There are few programs and schools for gifted children. Many public schools no longer offer the programs, unable to afford them. Many private schools also do not offer gifted programs- stating that their teachers provide individual attention because they are private.

Extra attention does not equate to quality education for a gifted child.

I’ve created this site to educate the public on the needs of gifted children. I am not an educator or psychologist. I am the wife and mother of two very gifted guys. I have attended public school and private school. I have homeschooled, unschooled and sent my children to public school. I am a parent that is fed up with watching my children struggle to fit in, and be chastised for their inquisitiveness.

This is my site for those looking to learn.

If this site is helpful to you, please consider returning the favor with a small donation via GoFundMe or visit the supporters listed in Resources.

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